

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:18:56北京青年报社官方账号

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As the 2016 chair of the Group of 77 – the largest coalition of developing nations at the United Nations – the Kingdom of Thailand made its primary mission to enhance cooperation between north and south, as well as strengthen south-south cooperation. This exchange of resources, technology and knowledge between developing countries, often referred to as the Global South, can be complementary to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. As chair country, Thailand worked to transform this vision into action. Even before its chairmanship, Thailand had been sharing its own model of development among countries grappling with the challenges of a changing world. That model is known as the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.


As the systematic and institutional arrangement for providing financial public services, the financial infrastructures have played a pivotal role in the steady and sound operation of the financial market, said the document jointly released by the PBOC and five other departments.


As the influence of short videos increases, they can change people's lives.


As the long-distance settlement of medical insurance has been adopted for years, the migrants can enjoy healthcare services anywhere. Local pharmacies are also stocked with medicines for common elderly diseases such as heart attacks, hypertension and arthritis.


As the treasury bonds issued in 2007 will mature on Aug 29, the MOF will issue another 600 billion yuan to banks, including 400 billion yuan of seven-year bonds and 200 billion yuan of 10-year bonds, with market-based yields, the MOF said in a statement.


